Wednesday 29 February 2012

Sunderland FoC Student Profile

Meet Jeffrey, a student here at Sunderland FoundationCampus.

Which programme are you studying at FoundationCampus and which degree do you want to progress onto?
I am studying the International Diploma and will study Marketing at university.

Have you visited the faculty you are progressing onto, or met any of the professors?
We have been to the Business School and the teachers introduced their subjects as we walked around which was very helpful.

If you had to summarise FoundationCampus in one sentence, what would it be?
The teachers are really friendly, all of them can help – it is a contrast from my previous foundation course. The lectures are more interesting because the teachers are friendly.

Do you play any sports now or belong to any clubs or societies?
I play for the Sunderland University Basketball second team. 

Have you met any university students yet?
I have meet other students from basketball and extended my group of friends through meeting their friends.

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