Friday 30 March 2012

Masters Foundation Research Conference

All MFP (Masters Foundation Programme) students are taught Research Methods here at Sunderland FoundationCampus. A conference was organised to give our students an opportunity to showcase the impressive work they'd done, giving a presentation on their chosen research topics. We were very pleased with the results, which clearly demonstrated that all their hard work had been worthwhile.

A range of different topics were presented, ranging from AIDS awareness in Nigeria and increasing labour costs in China, to the psychology of online shoppers and differences in recruitment methods. All attendees took part in a vote: many congratulations to Zhao Lezhang who won a prize for Best Presentation, and to Song Xiangpeng for winning the prize for Best Poster. Well done guys!

Interested in joining us here at Sunderland FoundationCampus? You can contact us here:

Friday 23 March 2012

Student trips

As members of the University of Sunderland's student union, all students here at Sunderland FoundationCampus can join Connect, which is a group for students that want to get together, make new friends, and take trips around the UK.

You can see some photos from previous trips here, and see a list of future events here.

Connect events are a great way to make friends with other university students and see more of the UK. Which parts of the UK would you like to see?

Friday 16 March 2012

Sunderland FoC Student Profile

Meet Priscilla, a student here at Sunderland FoundationCampus.

Which programme are you studying at FoundationCampus and which degree do you want to progress onto?
I am studying the Life Sciences Undergraduate Foundation Course.  I am going on to do Pharmacy.

How important is the guaranteed progression for you?
It was very important because I was told about the high educational level of the Pharmacy course at Sunderland University. I had the feeling that I would graduate here.

Has your English improved? Which areas in particular?
Sure, there has been an improvement in my English. The way I interact with people has really changed and everyone around me has noticed it. I write very well now. I am much more confident now.

Which parts of your FoundationCampus programme have prepared you best for your degree?
Most of the things we have been taught I knew a little but not very well.  My knowledge has been broadened. I did an ICT course before I came here but there are some things that I have forgotten or I didn’t know and I have learned many things.  I am so glad that I have improved.

If you could summarise FoundationCampus in one sentence, what would it be?
I think that any student going onto the Pharmacy course should go through FoundationCampus because it really helps one’s understanding and knowledge. It gives you the freedom to communicate with people of different backgrounds. It gives you the foundation of what you are going to study.

Would you recommend it to a friend?

Friday 9 March 2012

Change your life with FoundationCampus

Passing a Sunderland FoundationCampus program guarantees progression to a degree course at the University of Sunderland.

What are you waiting for? You can find more information about us here, or contact our team at

Thursday 1 March 2012

Sunderland FoC Film Club

After our visit to see Sherlock Holmes in January a lot of our students told us how interested they would be to see more western and world cinema, so we have started Film Club led by Adam, one of our English tutors.

We have already shown ‘Back to the Future’ and ‘Indiana Jones’ and are now taking votes to decide which film to show next:

Vote now using our Facebook page for which movie you would like us to show on Wednesday 7th March.